Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Toyo drift Rd.2 at bukit jalih

they call him kumaku-boy....

T.Djan with Benny... this is the 1st time Benny meet T.Djan and before this he always thought T.Djan is a very melayu looks....he was supprise to know that actually T.Djan are so good looking and looks like chinese...
this 1 ok la....bater then other in that event...

poor photographer...hide behine the barriear.....was so hot that day....cannot tahan....hehehe...thats was me...some one curi curi take this pic...hehe

Benny and Anna....happy only go to see the Toyo drift event...

benny are so tire n sleepy while waiting for our turn for shabu shabu after whole day at the toyo drift event....

finally....makan makan....
nice so much...i have 4 plate,Benny have 5 plate and Anna have 3 plate....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hoiyooo... why u also commented about my comment to t.djan ahahahahha.... i malu lahhh...
but i really enjoyed all the time with u brother