Tuesday, September 30, 2008

hari raya 1st oct. 08'

this morning i wake up...1st thing in my mind is ...o..ya....today is a pulic holiday....but dont feel the raya mood...this two week the world economy are really bad as US and Japan face bad economy fall...as in malaysia.....getting bad after fuel rise in june 08'.....the whole market are not moving...

Friday, September 12, 2008

May 13 1969........

i always want to know what happend back into may13 1969 since i was a young kid, lately im very into the history again of May 13 1969 and what happend back then,i keep on googleing for the story about it....but any how i still think that many true story are untold.....i try to immagine what happend to those chinese back then....how terrible was the situation...?? what really happened in the May 13 incident in 1969? What happen to the victims? i suddenly recall back that few years back that i was attend my friend Hayashi's wedding in kepong that we have diiner in a old cinema that now become a restorent..some has told me that's this restorent was a cinema back in 60's and this a the place all the chinese got kill during the riots again chinese..its was really sad to hear that...for the past many years...i always hear hear my parents tell me about what happend back then and actually they are still very scare n worry someday it will happend agian...i was told that so many got kill and many are missing..as the history i found is that the record are only about 200 chinese got kill...but many say that was more then thousand actually...some story say that some of the chinese was on the way to KL and got kill in the half way.another story say that before may 13...there is a malay go to this parang maker and buy hundred of parang form the seller and when ask why buy so many parang ?? then the malay guys just say all the parang are going to use in the jungle for cutting three...
i wonder why this can be happend...im very sorry for those victim who got kill..

"On May 13, 1969, riots against the Chinese began in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. It was considered the worst racial riot in Malaysian history. Many Malaysian Chinese fled to Singapore for protection. We were told the rivers ran red in Malaysia with Chinese blood. One of my European friends married to a Chinese described how she and others hid in a hospital for protection and how the Malay Chinese were running everywhere from the hordes of attacking Malays. My husband ultimately moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in the mid-1970's and his secretary, of Chinese descent, described how she came home during the riots to find her husband's head in her refrigerator.
Some police figures are that 196 people died in the riot, many more were wounded--there were numerous cases of arson and approximately 6,000 Kuala Lumpur residents (of which 90% were Chinese) became homeless. Some have said the actual tragedy far exceeded the official figures.
It has been suggested--in fact this is the official position - that the riots resulted from the tallies of the 1969 elections in which the largely Chinese dominated Democratic Action Party and the Gerakan Party made significant gains in opposition to the Malay controlled United Malays National Organization (UMNO). Members of the winning party marched through Kuala Lumpur through some largely Malay areas. It is said the demonstrators carried brooms that symbolized "sweeping" the Malays out of Kuala Lumpur. The official policy was that the Malays resented all of this and the riots ensued--basically that the Chinese had themselves to blame. It is the classic "blaming the victim" explanation."

Monday, September 8, 2008

MMF...Malaysia Furniture Fair 2008

leaving house at 9am n reach KLCC at 10am for MMF...its seem like most of the home dex or similar exhibition before...all similar company to display their product...but any how...i still need to come n see as my house are in renovation stage now,need to see more housing stuff and understand more before i buy any for my kitchen and bathroom...

shop untill about 12pm....start to get hungry...so we walk to pavilion for lunch at ichiban boshi..a paenese restorent....

nice cup.....

my lunch....shashimi rice + udon curry + tempura etc...

ahh~~~~smile~~~~hehehehe ;)

saw this band performing at tang's....nice voice from the vocalis and the guiltaris...cool hair style...that's what i always wanted to do....gezzz.....still hope 1 day i can do it....

then after lunch,anna desparate for shooping as she didn't come out for shopping like years ago as she claim...;(...hehehehe... :)then we shop for about 2hours there before we back to MMF again for another half for the exhibition...seem like nothing much then,so we leave...on the way back to klang,Anna need to do more shopping,so we drop by at mid valley as suppose to go 1U...huh!!! another modern home fair there...hehe....seem like more for me to see...hehehehe....then dineer at md.kwan...so many people as many are for buka puasa too...long Q..then after dinner...we continue shopping untill 10pm...ok...this is maximum already...we are tired and our feet are pain n tired...so go home n reach at 11pm...today we have work very hard for outing for 14hours shop here n there...hehehe...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

lately very busy doing up my house that i buy about 2years ago....so streesful on making dicision how i like to make it as house are not like a car .....car if we make anything that we are not so happy with it,we can change or redo again anytime as its does not coast much...house are totally differance...if i make the wrong dicisosn and the contractor have done it....mean it will bee there just like that....if want to redo...will coast me alot,thats's why im so damn streesful lately... and Ah Meng has left the company and all work have to done by me....shit..more streefull..i almost like forgot that my project Creasta are still in work shop...i dont know what happend to it as i didt go to see it for sometime already...and my KE70...send to painshop to repair body work and repaint ...didt go and see it from the 1st day the car has send to the paint shop....what happend to the car now....gezzzz......renovating house really pressure n strees untill i forgot i have other job to look after.... the old car posh and fancing has been remove ....

the fancing base in making....