Tuesday, July 29, 2008

this afternoon,when on my way to anna's house to collect my MK II..(has been park there since early this year...she get very mad at me coz i used the only parking space at her house and she have to park her car out side....hehe...so must remove it...)....im riding there,not far from my work place,when i come to near this cross juntion....this biker( very fat guy) infront of me are riding fast as the light going to turn red soon so do i...hehehe,on the right hand lane,all car are turnning to the right juntion and just infront of me is the bike just are over taking a van from the left side of the van as the van already signer to turn right....but....when the bike almost over take the van...the van did't turn to right but go straight and the biker has turn right and ...BANG !!!!!!!! the van touch the bike....and the biker n the bike go under the van...Bcoz the rider are so fat and heavy...he stack under the van(under the front bumper)and the van stop immidiatly by the biker....ouch..!!!!paint......i just right behind the van and i saw everything and saw how it happend....scary.....but im so sorry to the rider....coz i didt stop to help as im in the hurry to meet Mr.Dean as he already there to repair anna's house gate...i need to meet him and discuss with him...

Monday, July 28, 2008

so retro.......
this house i buy 2years ago....finally last friday start to renovate it...hope will be complete by end of this year..hehehe...so next year can move in and have my own space....own car park...own kitchen...so i can cook any time i like....yeah!!!!

customer car from seremban...we have install for him a 17" japanese made rim into this BMW E30 with a PCD convertion kit from pcd 100~pcd 114.3.now the car just looks much more bater then before but just need a little low down the car and it will looks just nice....so guys....for those who are looking for nice wheel for your BMW E30....can drop by our shop and we will get you a nice wheel for your car....

Sunday, July 27, 2008

cresta are back to smart care workshop from paint shop....

ok....last week the cresta is back to smart care workshop from the paint shop painting the engine bay....the painting is nice n its looks very clean n new now compare when we have just remove the old 2L disel engine... but never towing your car by this way.....see what happend to my car hood below....the stupid towing guy keeep on say this is the only way he can tow my car...stupid...as i ask him to hood my wheel as he can...but he keep on say cant....see what happend to the car body n hood....shit..!! lazy sucker....when the 1st time he tow this car to body shop already damage the front lower paner as the car drop and hit a jack...so we install the subframe,shocker n wheel so he can tow by hooking the wheel....but he lazy to pull down the main hood from his truck as its take 5min. work.... the engine bay is now clean n new paint.....

22/7/08 Jacobson shop,south Jakarta

tommorow going home to malaysia...this is the last lunch in indonesia for this trip...warung nasi uduk yoyo...
this is a car show room....looks like a super high class old building with the statue on top...
this is not universal studio in Jakarta...its a car wash.....
Jacobson Garage..... power modify car.....looks like for the batman movie car...hehehe...

this moster are running RX7 FD3S engine......

smart car....its not smart n fast enaf for the owner....so he decide to swap a Suzuki Hayabusa engine into it.....
Suzuki hayabusa engine....its ready....


Honda EG.....with twin turbo engine...!!!!!

after a short drifting in senayang area,Center Jakarta...we go for dinner at Grand central restaurant...

my soup.....
5 combination.....
tofu with sea food....

21/7/08 Jakarta at Hikary Garage n Pantai segara at Ancol

this morning benny need to send his Evo 4 to show to his friend as he plan to sell it....then we have lunch togather here....damaya...nice pork rice...

then we go to a used car to show his evo 4 another friend...n i saw this toyota vit's with a set of 19" wheel on it....crazy....
this is benny's shop..Hikari Garage with Otobrite car wash...
Evo X....was inform that the owner are onli 18 years old...he is short n fat.....not bad looking....heheAE86 Turbo....

benny broke the AE86 car key...so this key master come over to redo a key for it....1st time i see such a small key maker machine....and they serve right to your door.... then we have diner near the shop....at warung makan muncul malam...nice n famous fried rice with chease..

then before we go home,we meet up with friend and go for a drink at Pantai Segara at Ancol in north Jakarta...very nice and romantic place....

Saturday, July 26, 2008

sunday 20/7/08...to Bandung.

20/7/08 sunday morning ready to go to bandong...all gather at Fedox's house....

nice view in bandong......

1st stop...mm....wrong stop....this is not the hot spring we wanted to go...we go to Ciater resort hot sprint...just a KM away...

lunch 1st once we get there.....
Welly...taiko.... Wijaya family....im a 'gaijin there'...hehehe... nice fried fish....so crispy
my nasi goreng bandong...
gezzz....still miss this chilli+tomato,onion,carot sweet n spacy sauce...will try to make this at home...
after play the 4x4 motor...we are sweat n dirty...n the boots tat we have to wear...gezz....bad smelling....so...we are go to hot spring...yeah !!!

here are the beach boy....hot spring boy...hehehe...i looks so small size..hehehe....
the tour group are from indonesia,gemmany,franch and malaysia....hehehe

the national fighter !!!! from gemmany/franch,indonesia n malaysia !!!!
on the way to view the Tangkuban Perahu volcano....nice view..

nice sunset in Bandong.... on top of tankuban Perahu volcano...a non active volcano in bandong,indonesia...very nice view... smile n post......!!! atmosphere cafe....our dinning place so nice place and romantic.....

i just love the way the table style...like a japanese style but over here many customer chose to be very lazy or romantic and very relex have their diner here with their partner.....hehehe this what i have for my dinner here....a sulauwesi ayam bakar.... tuna salad.... try to sms my friend in malaysia...but seem like my phone is out out bettery.....and here are the place i get to know this band from indonesia...Caramel with thire famous song 'Tinggal Kenangan'....a very nice sad song...this song is by the Band vocalis name Gaby with the true story behind it this song...

By: Zukilover(http://sketsamagz.multiply.com)Terlepas dari banyaknya versi cerita tentang Gaby, yang hanya sebatas ‘katanya’, film ini akan memberi gambaran tentang kisah nyata dibalik lagu “Tinggal Kenangan”. Meski kebenarannya pun masih sangat diragukan.All about Gaby:Name : Gaby*) , Ega.Occupation : Caramel Band’s Vocalist, Radit’s girlfriend.Location : Bali*), Makassar, Madiun, MalangThe Story :Gaby adalah seorang siswi sebuah SMA di Bali berumur 17 tahun. Dia punya cowok namanya Radit, seorang pembalap yang berdomisili di Malang. Keduanya saling kenal dari teman Gaby di band Caramel. Meski jarak memisahkan kisah cinta mereka, tetapi kesetiaan keduanya tak dapat dipungkiri. Radit juga sering berkunjung ke Bali hampir setiap bulan untuk dapat bertemu dengan Gaby.Suatu hari, saat Gaby tengah mengikuti Ujian Akhir, Radit mengalami kecelakaan fatal dan akhirnya meninggal dunia. Tetapi Gaby belum tau tentang hal ini, karena keluarga dan teman-temannya sengaja tidak memberitahukan berita ini, karena takut akan mengganggu konsentrasinya.Ujian Akhir telah selesai, beberapa hari lagi akan diadakan Pensi Perpisahan di sekolah Gaby. Dia pun diundang untuk membawakan lagu di acara tersebut. Tetapi, dia sangat shock, sedih, dan terpukul mendengar kabar bahwa Radit telah tiada. Apalagi ternyata sudah beberapa hari yang lalu kecelakaan itu terjadi. Keluarga dan teman-teman Gaby berusaha untuk memberinya semangat hidup, agar mengikhlaskan kepergian Radit.Acara Pensi Perpisahan tinggal beberapa hari lagi. Gaby tidak ingin larut dalam kesedihan. Tapi hal ini justru semakin membuatnya selalu mengingat kekasihnya itu, hingga akhirnya dia berhasil menciptakan sebuah lagu dari hatinya, khusus untuk mengenang Radit.Beberapa hari kemudian, acara Pensi pun dimulai. Tiba giliran Gaby untuk tampil. Semua penonton terpana mendengar intro lagu yang dibawakan Gaby, karena memang saat itulah kali pertama lagu tersebut dinyanyikan di depan umum. Baris demi baris dilantunkan dengan penuh penghayatan. Sangat terasa lagu ini memang berasal dari hati. Hingga lagu pun berakhir, Gaby turun dari panggung. Ia hampir tidak memperhatikan ucapan selamat dari teman-temannya ketika menuju ke toilet dengan terburu-buru. Beberapa saat kemudian terdengar jeritan dari teman Gaby……………

the lyric:

Pernah Ada Rasa CintaAntara kita Kini tinggal kenangan……Ingin kulupakan semua tentang dirimuNamun bayangmu selalu ada dalam setiap langkahku…..
Jauh kau pergi meninggalkan dirikudisini aku merindukan diri muKini ku coba mencari penggantimunamun tak ada yang seperti dirimu oh kekasih….
=Secret Words :
ku ingin memiliki nafasmu jikalau aku mati Bisakah Aku memiliki nafasmu jikalau aku mati..

also found someone post in the net say...

After that spread his song and many say after hear that song, many person visit beautiful girl alias Gaby ghost. Quoth also many occurrence like that month of december that is snugly month Gaby birth.acctually this song not complete, because cut. “quoth” record use HandPhone so be lyric song which cut… In song gaby version be found secret word that only hear if that song rolled back….after rolled back heard word:“Ku ingin memiliki nafasmu jikalau aku matiBisakah Aku memiliki nafasmu jikalau aku mati”.ok at last…expectedly gaby and his boy friend accept in his side(God)….by amin.

on the way back from Bandong to Jakarta, stop at rest area....julian n me....yeah!!! teh botol...!!!! a famous drink in Indon.....